see congress     see video/doc

Confronto Italiano - XII edizion
e I diritti umani tra mondo globale e identità locali / Human rights between a global world and local identities  April 24 2021
on-line congress on the theme of human rights with the screening of video/doc Abitare la diversita’ by Franca Marini
introduction by the artist

live streaming on YouTube confrontoitaliano at 4pm

organized by
Comune di Cetona
Università degli Studi La Sapienza, Roma
Fondazione Lionello Balestrieri, Cetona
Regione Toscana, Consiglio Regionale

Abitare la diversitaIMAGE
see video/doc

Abitare la diversita’
  (2021) video/doc by Franca Marini about the event of the same name which was held at the Officina Creativa dell'Abitare OCRA Montalcino (Siena) on September 25-26 2020. The event was organized by SOS Razzismo Italia with funds from UNAR - Ufficio Nazionale Antidiscriminazioni Razziali in collaboration with Scuola Permanente dell'Abitare under the patronage of the municipality of Montalcino.
The video/doc was completed on the occasion of the XVII EUROPEAN ACTION WEEK AGAINST RACISM  March 21-27 2021
It includes testimonies by migrants welcomed in the territory of Montalcino (Siena).