Storie Interrotte 3
event about Migrazioni e Procedimenti di Protezione Internazionale
Siena Civil Court May 15 2024 read news
projection of In Italia per la vita / In Italy because of my life video/doc
testimonies by migrants from Afghanistan and Pakistan about their life experience in Siena from spring 2022 to December 2022
a project by Alessandro Bisogni and Ilaria Cornetti
20:50 min, 2022-23
20:50 min, 2022-23
a project by Alessandro Bisogni and Ilaria Cornetti
editing Franca Marini
shooting Alessandro Bisogni and Franca Marini
music and lyrics Dabirè Gabin - Mariam a Né Awa from Kontome’/Spiriti collection
translations Eva Mahmud and Marta Pacciani
special thanks to
Augusto Mattioli Siena News newspaper
Lucia Cresti Presidente Fondazione Antico Spedale Santa Maria della Scala Museum
the migrants who made the realization of this video/doc possible